Meet the FX10

Markforged Webinar
Meet the FX10: Machine Tour

Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 8:30am IST 

FX10 is Markforged’s newest industrial printer – a fifth generation composite machine designed to be productive, reliable, and automated.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Learn the specs and features of the FX10 during a live machine tour.
  • Hear how FX10 will help local manufacturers innovate faster with doubled print speed.
  • Understand how FX10 enables manufacturers to make end use parts and tooling and fixtures with the strength of machined aluminium and mooth surface finish – all with a click of a button.
  • Understand the vision and motivations behind the design decisions we made when designing the machine.
  • Get access to an exclusive live Q&A with the USA-based FX10 team.

Sign up today to reserve your spot for this informative experience.

Daniel Leong

Daniel Leong

Marketing Lead, FX10

Nick Morton

Nick Morton

Product Lead, FX10


Richard Elving

Senior Director, APAC

Register here

Markforged Webinar - FX10 Live Machine Tour