Join us:
An Exclusive Additive Manufacturing Program on Composites 

Date: Wednesday Nov 23, 2022,
Time: 9.30 am to 5.30 pm,
Venue: FORT- SIPCOT Industrial Innovation Centre, Hosur.


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Fischer Connectors can print a set of prototype mold tools in just 24 to 48 hours for ~$150 — far faster and cheaper than 2 to 4 weeks at a minimum of $5,000. For low-volume production runs, the 3D printed mold tool is used as the production mold tool, since many cable assembly houses will no-quote jobs below a threshold quantity. For high-volume programs, where the cost of a conventional steel mold can be substantiated, the 3D printed mold plays a crucial role in developing dozens of POC-ready prototypes to help Fischer Connectors with bids. Using Markforged technology, Fischer Connectors wins substantial contracts based on their fast turnaround time compared to their competitors. They can make and demonstrate a proof of concept to a customer within a week — sometimes just 48 hours.

electronics industry

Neurophotometrics, based in California, would not have a company today if not for their seven Markforged 3D printers

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